AVBOB Financial Statements 2018

117 AVBOB MUTUAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE SUMMARISED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 (continued) 19. RESTATEMENT - CLASSIFICATION BETWEEN INDIVIDUAL REVENUE LINE ITEMS 2017 2017 Adjustment Restated R 000 R 000 R 000 Statement of comprehensive income Services 372 648 (123 526) 249 122 Goods 99 938 123 526 223 464 Total revenue 472 586 472 586 GROUP The elimination of the inter-company service charge between AVBOB Mutual Assurance Society and AVBOB Funeral Service Limited was incorrectly eliminated against the "Goods" revenue line item instead of the "Service" revenue line item in 2017. The reclassification adjustment below has no impact on the total revenue, taxation, retained earnings or the statement of financial position. 117